Tham khảo Khu Galicia

  1. Arne Bewersdorf. “Hans-Adolf Asbach. Eine Nachkriegskarriere” (PDF). Band 19 Essay 5 (bằng tiếng Đức). Demokratische Geschichte. tr. 1–42. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 6 năm 2013.
  2. Paczkowski, Andrzej (2003). The Spring Will Be Ours: Poland and the Poles from Occupation to Freedom. Jane Cave biên dịch. Penn State Press. tr. 54–. ISBN 0-271-02308-2.
  3. Dieter Pohl. Hans Krueger and the Murder of the Jews in the Stanislawow Region (Galicia) (PDF file from Yad tr. 12/13, 17/18, 21. It is impossible to determine what Krueger's exact responsibility was in connection with "Bloody Sunday" [massacre of 12 October 1941 in Stanisławów]. It is clear that a massacre of such proportions under German civil administration was virtually unprecedented.

Bản mẫu:Nazi Gaue

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